Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Homelifestyle#2013alive: How Do You Clear Your Mind?

#2013alive: How Do You Clear Your Mind?

#2013alive: How Do You Clear Your Mind?

We’re kicking off Find Your Bliss Month by clearing out the mental clutter. How do you clear your mind?

We’re into our first week of the fourth month of our 12 Months of Wellness. As we mentioned yesterday, this month is all about finding your bliss, and we’re kicking the search off by clearing away the mental clutter.

While we suggested hatha yoga as a means of clearing the mind, each of us has our own way of getting the junk out of our brains so that we can see things clearly and find our inspiration. I do partake in hatha yoga at least once a week, and find it to be very calming; however, my absolute favourite way of clearing my mind is to go on a long walk (ideally in the sunshine). Whenever I’m feeling unsettled and uninspired, I find that popping in my earbuds, lacing up my sneakers, and taking a brisk hour-to-two hour walk allows me to tap into that inner voice of mine that I’ve been perhaps ignoring.

I asked some of the alive staff members how they clear out their mental clutter, and here are a few of their responses.

Amanda Pentland, Graphic Designer, says: “Lynn Valley hiking is how I clear my clutter. I try to go there once a week for at least two to four hours of outdoors time hiking and walking with the dog. Hiking and walking there quiets my soul and rejuvenates me.”

Darren Field, Student Services Coordinator, says: “I used to go for long runs to clear my mind, and to come up with interesting ideas.”

Leah Karpus, Editor, says: “When I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I find that the best way to clear out mental clutter is by playing with my pets. Nothing beats spending time with my parents’ yellow Labrador retriever (‘Flirt’) or my ragdoll kitten (‘Sushi’) to chill out and refocus, whether it’s taking Flirt for a walk, or just cuddling with Sushi on the couch. I’ve heard that a lot of universities are bringing in therapy dogs to play with students during exam season, and I can definitely see why—spending time with animals is so calming!”

Leah\'s pets

Karla Gursche, Advertising Account Manager, says: “I like to walk in the woods.”

Bryce, Editorial Assistant, says: “When I get one of those days where I sit down to work and it seems like there’s a million things fluttering around in my head, I focus my mind with a bit of free-writing. I find that if a few days go by without putting a few thoughts down, my mind can get a little batty. Basically, I’ll open a new window on my desktop and just let my mind blather on. When I’m done, I can just hit delete, and the random gibberish I’ve created disappears and I can know no one will ever read it.

“Other days I make lists. My lists go on paper. I like to grab a fresh sheet and list all the things I need to get done. I make sure to leave plenty of space between items, because in the process I’ll find a number of new tasks or sub-tasks. And as I sketch out what I want to accomplish, I often think of ways in which to get them done—I make sure to write these thoughts down as well. When I’m finished, I end up with a fairly good map for how to get stuff done.”

How do you clear your mental clutter? Let us know by dropping us a line via blog or Facebook comments, or by using the Twitter hashtag #2013alive. While you’re at it, download our April Goal Sheet to track your progress.



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