Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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A Natural Beauty

A Natural Beauty

Since cosmetics can be a big part of our lives, we should be sure the cosmetics we use on our bodies are pure and healthful. Many products to which we expose ourselves can enter our bloodstreams and affect our health and sense of well-being.

Good grooming is the competitive edge in career and in life. Nothing is more appealing than clear, glowing skin and silky, shining hair.

Women love to augment their best features: eyes, lips, cheekbones, nails, and the subtle, rich shades of healthy hair. Men, too, value healthy skin and hair. Both sexes enjoy feeling clean and smelling nice. It’s only natural.

Since cosmetics can be a big part of our lives, we should be sure the cosmetics we use on our bodies are pure and healthful. Many products to which we expose ourselves can enter our bloodstreams and affect our health and sense of well-being.

Look for Organic Certification

When purchasing cosmetics, look for organic ingredients certified by an international certifying body. Look for logos such as ACO (Australian Certified Organic), USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements), and/or BFA (Biological Farmers Association) to authenticate their certification.

In Canada, independent certifying bodies are accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), using guidelines set out by the International Organization for Standards (ISO). Provincial authorities may also provide accreditation through provincial legislation. At present, only Quebec through the Conseil des appellations agroalimentaires du Qu?c, and BC, through the Certified Organic Associations of British Columbia (COABC), offer this service.

Be a Label Scrutineer

Read labels and ask questions. Look for ingredients such as pure, skin-loving oils: olive, coconut, avocado, jojoba, or sunflower, organic honey and beeswax, and exfoliants such as oatmeal or almonds. Try moisturizing butters such as cocoa, shea, and mango.

Use natural hair colour enhancers such as camomile tea rinse for blonds and black tea or coffee rinse for brunettes. For more permanent results, pure organic henna in many different shades can be found in most health food stores.

Today you can find water-soluble nail polishes and acetone-free nail polish remover. Lip balms made with beeswax, vegetable butters, and honey–then tinted with natural mineral colours or plant extracts–can also be found in many health food stores as can eyeliner made of kohl.

You will find these safe products in your health food stores where the belief is, “What you put in your body is the same as what you put on your body,” and where their paramount value is your health and well-being.

Your good health is your choice: be aware, be beautiful, and choose your cosmetics wisely.

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