How hard do you work to stay healthy? Is it possible you might be able to cut back a bit to be more strategic and to find some balance? There are new theories all the time, and that’s what we’re about with “This Week in Fitness.” Every other week, the MyFitnessPal editorial team hand-curates the biggest stories, trends and goings-on around the world so you’re up to date on the latest discoveries having to do with your health. If you keep reading, we’ll guarantee you’re still doing something

Much Ado About Nothing

Whether it’s prepping food or working out, action and staying in motion is the key to fitness, right? What if we told you taking some time to do nothing was hugely beneficial? That’s the takeaway from this story. If you’ve got a minute to spare, we recommend this 60-second mini-meditation to re-center yourself.

Just Don’t Overdo the Downtime

Of course, there’s a flip side, too. Just how long can you go without physical activity before your body starts to feel negative effects? A new British study has an idea, and you won’t like the potential health risks.

The 30-Second Workout

Come on, really? That can’t be a thing, can it? Apparently it can. University of Calgary researchers are drilling down into what the body can actually accomplish in small bursts, and their findings show benefits in even half a minute of exercise. (For the record, we still recommend you start with HIIT if you’re pressed for time.)

Get Cowboys Fit

And if you need a little more incentive to work out — and you happen to be a Dallas Cowboys fan — maybe this one will grab you. The five-time Super Bowl champions have built a plush mega-gym inside their new training facility, complete with a rooftop pool and a view of the practice field. The best part? It’s open to the public for the low price of $88 per month.


He Literally Ran Across the Country

Need a little inspiration to get moving? Earlier this month, a 60-year-old from Colorado finished his 50th marathon, run across all 50 states. “I don’t consider myself a serious runner,” Ken John said. We don’t recommend you try to emulate him, necessarily — but check out this 6-Week Running Plan, perfect for summertime.

Marking a Milestone

Last week marked the 52-year anniversary of Jim Ryun becoming the first high schooler to run a sub 4-minute mile (there’s a classically grainy video of it in this Deadspin writeup). The eventual Olympic athlete and U.S. congressman held the mark for 36 years. Some impressive food for thought while the running community is focused on a sub 2-hour marathon.

An Rx for Clean Eating

Over to food now. You pick up prescription medication to help with your health. So why can’t you do the same with what you eat? One company is attempting to do just that, according to this NPR report: Meet the Fresh Food Pharmacy.


That’s One Weigh to Go

We publish Success Stories on this very blog all the time about people who have lost weight and made changes to their habits by using MyFitnessPal. One writer from Outside Magazine took on a quest of his own, including utilizing the app and obsessively weighing everything he put in his body over four months. His findings were fascinating.

Should You Go Green?

Plant protein is all the rage right now, as is anything with the buzzword “plant-based.” But there’s also an uptick in professional athletes who are strategically going vegetarian for better performance. Check out this excerpt from “The No Meat Athlete Cookbook” and learn whether  you can benefit from a similar approach.

Avocados or a Home? You Choose

And finally, plant your tongue firmly in cheek for this one. We all know the housing market is nuts. One Australian real estate mogul has a suggestion for young people: Stop spending so much money on avocados and fancy coffee (especially blended into one horrific hipster delicacy). We’ll counter with this, mate: There’s scientific proof that eating avocados may help you live longer. Pass the guac.