Wednesday, October 16, 2024
HomePracticesIntentional Acts of Kindness: Lifestyle Practice

Intentional Acts of Kindness: Lifestyle Practice

Perform Acts of Kindness Each Day This Week

Simple Instructions:

  1. Each day, perform a simple act of kindness toward anyone in your world — friend, family member, acquaintance, or stranger.
  2. The acts have no size requirement. Small acts are as important as grand gestures.
  3. The acts need not cost any money.
  4. You must perform the act intentionally to receive the point. You should not give yourself credit for something that was nice but unintentional.

Watch this video for an explanation of this Lifestyle Practice from Whole Life Challenge co-founders Andy Petranek and Michael Stanwyck.

Why Is This Practice Important?

It’s easy to feel like you’re disconnected from the world — like nobody actually cares about each other or the things that matter to you. It’s as if everyone is left to take care of things alone.

It doesn’t have to be this way. In truth, it’s impossible to get by in the world without the often-unseen thoughtfulness of others. Much of what makes our lives better are the small demonstrations of care that people express through their everyday actions: the held door, help with a flat tire, a quarter for the parking meter, or even just leaving the kitchen as clean as it was found.

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This week’s practice is an exploration in being the person to take those actions, to put forth those small, but intentional acts of kindness. By putting your attention on what others need, you’ll be contributing to the kind of world you want to live in — a place where needs are met through connection and mindfulness.

The good news is you get to live in that world, too! It’s been our experience that the more you act with intentional kindness, the more you also see it happening all around you.

For More on This Practice

Ron HulnickIn this week’s podcast, Andy spoke with Dr. H. Ron Hulnick, a pioneer and worldwide leader in the field of spiritual psychology. What is spiritual psychology and what does it have to do with acts of kindness?

Click through to listen to the podcast for the full answers to those questions, but the short answer is that your own self-worth and self-value are deeply linked to your experience of life — and love really is the key to everything.



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