Connect with Someone Each Day This Week
Simple Instructions:
- Every day of the week, reach out and connect with someone important in your life.
- It could be someone you haven’t seen in a while, someone you want to say “thanks” to, or simply someone whose absence you notice.
- You can call on the phone, have coffee or a meal, Skype or FaceTime, or even write a card or letter.
- Email, social media (including Facebook Messenger), and texting do not count for this Lifestyle Practice.
Watch this video for an explanation of this Lifestyle Practice from Whole Life Challenge co-founders Andy Petranek and Michael Stanwyck.
Why Is This Practice Important?
For many of us, daily life can seem like a solitary or disconnected experience. We leave our home and get in our car. We leave our car and sit at our desk. We leave our desk and go back to the car and home again.
It often feels like we leave connecting with the most important people for another day, for special occasions.
Without regular and meaningful human contact, we begin to feel that that’s just how life is, that we are mostly alone and connection can wait. But this feeling is only a consequence of how we’ve designed our days.
We are not meant to be alone and we do not have to be.
Relationships are important, and they do take work. Like anything dynamic and alive, they need to be nurtured and cared for if you want them to flourish. Taking time out, even for five minutes, to let the meaningful people in your life know you’re thinking about them can be the important difference between relationships surviving and thriving.
And the important difference between feeling alone and feeling connected to yourself, your community, and the world around you.
This week’s practice is about reawakening human connection and, as a beautiful “consequence,” bringing brightness and meaning to your own day.
For More on This Practice
Danny Clark, is the Performance Director for MovNat, as well as a MovNat Master Instructor. At the heart of the MovNat philosophy is the idea of getting back to our natural human state. This can apply not only to movement, but also to our relationships and communication efforts.
Hit play on this special ten-minute discussion with Andy Petranek and Danny Clark for a deeper context on this week’s practice of human connection. Please, subscribe on iTunes to be notified when we release the full-length conversation with Danny.